The Bombardier Q400 avionics are centered around a system developed by Thales Group. Bombardier selected Thales to build the avionics systems for the Q400 turboprop aircraft. The Q400 avionics are based on a modular system that makes replacing or upgrading parts easier. The Q400 has many different avionics components built by different manufacturers. 5 glass screen displays make up the main portion of the avionics system. The 5 screens display all the important information, with two primary flight displays (PFD) and three multi-function displays (MFD). The Q400 can also have up to two flight management systems (FMS), that are located in the center console. The FMS is built by Universal Avionics Systems Corp. The Q400 has seen recent upgrades to its avionics systems including new products built by ACSS, an L-3 Communications & Thales company. ACSS has some new components that allow for ADS-B capability on the Q400 (FAA's NextGen satellite based air traffic control). The Bombardier Q400 also has an optional head-up display that is built by Rockwell Collins. It is the HGS 4100.

Bombardier Q400 Avionics Photo

Above Bombardier Q400 avionics photo by Rick Rydell on Wikimedia Commons. Modifed by FlyRadius.

Below are some of the optional/standard avionics components for the turboprop.

  • Automatic Flight Control System
  • Autopilot with Dual Flight DirectorDual Attitude and Heading Reference System (APIRS) AHRS
  • Dual Air Data Computers
  • EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument System) (Thales V810 incorporated)
  • Cat II capability
  • Engine and Systems Integrated Display (ESID)

Navigation Components

  • Dual VHF (VOR, Glideslope and Marker)
  • Dual ADF, DME and ATC Mode S (EHS capable)
  • Single Flight Management System with GPS (UNS-1E)


  • Dual VHF System (8.33 kHz frequency spacing)
  • Service phone and Passenger Addressing System

Other Systems

  • Integrated Standby Flight Instrument System (Thales)
  • Dual Radio Altimeter (Honeywell KRA-405B)
  • Color Weather Radar (Honeywell Primus P660)
  • Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) (Honeywell Mk V) with terrain clearance floor display on MFD
  • Steep approach switch on 4010, 4022, 4033, 4034, 4054
  • TCAS II/ACAS (Honeywell CAS 67A)
  • Audio Integrating System
  • Solid State Cockpit Voice Recorder (2 hr) (Honeywell 6022)
  • Emergency Locator Transmitter (3 frequency) (Kannad 406AF)
  • Solid State Flight Data Recorder (Honeywell 4700)
  • Centralized Maintenance and Diagnostic System
  • ACARS with half size printer & third VHF Comm (8.33 kHz) (Unilink 700)
  • EQAR (Extended Quick Access Recorder) (Thales)
  • Passenger boarding and music system (Team)
  • 3 Frequency ELT (Kannad 406 AF)
  • FMS - Dual with GPS (UNS-1E SCN 802.8) and TCAS II
  • VHF Communications - Dual with 8.33 KHz Channel Spacing -Thomson
  • Weather Radar: Honeywell Primus P-660
  • Radio Altimeters: Dual Rockwell Collins ALT-4000
  • Transponder Mode S, Enhanced Surveillance, Honeywell
  • Enhanced GPWS
  • AFCS - Heading Knobs coupled Left and Right
  • Head up display: Rockwell Collins / Flight Dynamics HGS 4100
  • Datalink - Unilink

Other Names for the Bombardier Q400 Avionics
There are other names for the avionics Bombardier Q400 aircraft. The aircraft has other names due to changes in the name for the aircraft and other names used for other purposes. Here are the following names:

  • Bombardier Q400 NextGen Avionics: This refers to the NextGen name that was given to newer Q400s that have interior upgrades.
  • Bombardier DH4 avionics: "DH4" is the Q400s IATA code that is primarily used by airlines to identify the aircraft.
  • Bombardier DH8D avionics: "DH8D" is the ICAO code for the airplane and is used by airlines, air traffic control and others. To learn more about this name visit the DH8D aircraft page.
  • De Havilland Canada DHC-8-400 avionics: This is the model name for the turboprop. De Havilland was the previous division of Bombardier that built the aircraft. The De Havilland name is no longer used in marketing by Bombardier, so it is called the avionics Bombardier DHC-8-400. DHC-8-400 is the official model name for the turboprop that is used by aviation regulators to identify the aircraft.
  • De Havilland Dash-8-400 avionics: the Dash-8-400 name is the name that was previously given to the aircraft by Bombardier. The Q400 was apart of the Dash-8 series program of turboprops. Bombardier then decided to change the name of those aircraft to the Q series turboprops and the Dash-8-400 became the Bombardier Q400. More on the Dash-8-400 name is found here.